Mélange d’épices pour le poulet


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Poids : 40g

  • Sans exhausteur de goût
  • Sans additifs
  • Cultivé biologiquement
Afrostyrax lepidophyllus, anise, curry, ginger, ginger leaves, kinkéliba, herbs of Provence, bay leaves, Monodora myristica, clove, black pepper, tetrapleura tetraptera, thyme, tropical basil, white pepper.

Mélange d'épices pour poulet

With this ready-to-use spice blend not only the grilled chicken will be perfect, This African herb blend is ideal for any preparation of poultry. It is made according to the recipe of the grandmother of our company founder and will take you on a journey to the heart of African cuisine with its exotic taste! This spice blend is carefully prepared by hand without the addition of salt, so you can enjoy the full power of the spices. Acheter maintenant

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